Angel is a Los Angeles-based chef and Teeccino fan who became an Ambassador last year. She has been sharing Teeccino at her cooking classes – not just as a beverage but using Teeccino grounds in a number of her gourmet dishes! In addition to sharing her Teeccino creations on her Instagram page, Angel also told us:
“I’m building my student base now. I still teach private lessons and groups through and referrals. I’m also going to be be hosting Teeccino based cooking classes in the future.”
Coming from a long line of chefs including her grandfather who worked at the Brown Derby in Hollywood…and a sister who graduated from Cordon Bleu, Angel feels right at home creating one of kind dishes with the subtle flavors of Teeccino. ‘Jicama Salad w Teeccino Poached Cod’ and ‘Teeccino Sopes’ are just the start of what she can do in her kitchen!
We are so looking forward to hearing about Angel’s adventures in her cooking classes and as a Teeccino Ambassador. Thank you so much for all you do, Angel – and the fantastic photos you sent in! We are happy to support you as an Ambassador!