In January of this year we were very saddened to learn that Teeccino Ambassador Dr. Jackie Campisi had passed away, after a lengthy and courageous battle with spine cancer. Jackie had seemed to be in remission when in late 2016 her health took a turn. A true communicator and vibrant force for greater health in her Florida community and beyond, Dr. Jackie was also an extremely dedicated and enthusiastic Teeccino Ambassador. She loved to drink it, share it and bake vegan goodies with it! We at Teeccino want to share with you a bit about Dr. Jackie and express our condolences to her loving community of friends and fans.
Dr. Jackie loved to connect with others directly, and so, much of our conversations were by phone. Her story was an amazing one, and I was so happy she shared it with me during one of our chats…
Dr. Jackie spent 25 years in practice as an optometrist when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. After a mastectomy which took her out of work for some time, and remission, the cancer came back to her spine in 2014. After another surgery, Jackie decided that she needed to make a lifestyle change “Every day since I have marched the march. I’m going to reverse stage 4 cancer without traditional methods. Only healthy eating. “People started following me, enjoying my vegan pies and desserts. I always say, “there is a 3 foot rule with Dr. C – ‘if you are within 3 feet of me you’ll be eating salads and vegan food!’”
Dr. Jackie and her family moved to Florida and she also began working in her role at Hippocrates Health Institute. In addition she promoted the benefits of NuCalm, a product designed for intense neurological healing. She and her longtime partner Greg are pictured here as well as Jackie with their children, Ashley and Avery.
Another celebration of Jackie’s life is still planned for sometime in May or June with about 500 expected. We know that we honor Jackie every day, for her strength, grace, determination and wonderful, giving personality. We will miss you, Jackie. Thank you for brightening our lives here at Teeccino.